Does Fanta Have Caffeine? The Truth About This Fruity Soda

Does Fanta Have Caffeine? The Truth About This Fruity Soda

No, Fanta does not contain caffeine. This is true for all regular Fanta flavors like orange, grape, strawberry, etc. The Coca-Cola Company, which produces Fanta, specifically makes it caffeine-free to cater to people who are sensitive to caffeine or simply prefer an uncaffeinated beverage. Here are some resources to confirm this: Fanta website: The Fanta product…

Does Pepsi Have Alcohol? Debunking the Myth and Exploring the Facts

Does Pepsi Have Alcohol? Debunking the Myth and Exploring the Facts

No, Pepsi is non-alcoholic (0% ABV). Trace amounts may appear naturally, but negligible & pose no health concern. The iconic blue can of Pepsi is a familiar sight in fridges and convenience stores around the globe. But a question that sometimes bubbles up alongside the fizz is: does Pepsi actually contain alcohol? This seemingly simple…

Does Pepsi Have Caffeine? Unmasking the Buzz in Your Favorite Soda

Does Pepsi Have Caffeine? Unmasking the Buzz in Your Favorite Soda

Yes, most regular Pepsi varieties contain around 38mg caffeine per 12oz can. Check labels for caffeine-free options or variations with higher/lower content. Ah, Pepsi. The bubbly, brown beverage that’s fueled generations of afternoon slumps and late-night study sessions. But what’s lurking beneath that fizzy surface? Does Pepsi pack the same caffeinated punch as its coffee-shop…